Graphic Design and Design for Print

Design is everywhere. You literally cannot get through a day without being exposed to many thousands of designed instances. These can be the physical space of a building or street, the look of a storefront, the clothes people are wearing, their jewelry, their hair. Also signs, posters, lost dog notices, books, pretty much everything that has words.

What these things say matters, but how well they say it also matters. If your sign looks professional and intelligent, so do you. If not...
We've designed pretty much everything. Newpapers, magazines, books, posters, invites (weddings and boxing matches), large banners, logos, stacks, line cards, ads, etc.

Graphic Design

Graphic elements are the bedrock of building an identity for your venture or project. Call it market positioning, building a brand, identity, etc. These start with the most obvious of graphic elements, a logo. But also a style guide and colour palette. Consistency assures your clients that you are consistent.

How much you need to lean into this depends on what your venture is, and what your goals are. Big dreams can need big presence to succeed. Local services in local markets may need more economical or pragmatic solutions.

Design for Print

Printed material still matters in the age of the internet, you can't hand out your Insta handle without an actual business card.

We are happy to talk about anything involving paper, from digital direct outputs for small runs, to offset press. If you need to get something organized, laid out, designed and printed, we can.
For some very small scale work like very limited run art or zines, we can look at in-house production.


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